Friday, September 9, 2011


i had ALWAYS wanted to do a candy bar for an event. this particular bridal weekend was a great opportunity. all of us ladies have a sweet tooth and thought this would be so much fun and i could see how much i could 'flex' my creative muscles. i started planning this in may (the event was at the end of august). like the crazy planner i am, i did research....a lot of research! i had to figure out what candy would be loved by everyone, i had to think of a color theme, i had to think of how to set it up and be a surprise, where to buy everything. i took notes, kept my out for sales and great deals. 

the theme of this particular candy bar was inspired by my one of my favorite designers, kate spade. i had a box of stationery made by ks with red and hot pink polka dots on it, it was called 'confetti'....and i knew i had my colors. from then on, all i saw was red and pink, my mind was set to find anything and everything in those colors.  i went everywhere for the candy. i used two sizes of clear cello bags for the girls to put the candy in. i incorporated the napkins into this table knowing we would eat the cookies and amazing brownies (made by my friends mum) right away. the one thing i thought would be the easiest to find, ended up being the hardest...the table clothe. in the end, i went and bought two yards of hot pink satin and it worked wonders, it traveled well...didn't wrinkle. i couldn't have been more happy with the way it turned out!

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