Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sometimes I just over do it....

it finally brain was so overloaded with creative ideas...i made something ugly. i had what i thought was a brilliant idea, then when it was putting it looked just awful. it was like having writers block, without having to write a thing. this happens sometimes, i have so many projects that require my creative part of my brain that after a while it just stops. when this happens, i have to walk away. i'm not saying i don't think about because it frustrates me to not be able to keep creating without a break or pause. 
then after trying to forget about it, i walked into a store and wandered mind still was like 'what the hell are you thinking sarah?!' then as i'm leaving the store, i had an enlightening moment and in five minutes figured out what i was going to do. 
the project was a center piece of the dining room. i wanted to emulate the napkins we got that had soft colors and pretty ornaments on them. i wanted to work with ornaments in someway. after many failed attempts, i went with what i knew...a wreath. the colors of the christmas china and such are silver and blues. i had been working with blues and greens in my original idea but i should have stuck with what i knew. so after a mad dash of shopping i knew exactly what i wanted to do.
i found frosted blue, large poinsettias, silver glitter pine picks and pearl colored ornaments...i went to work and this is what i came up with...i even added a candle we already had around the house to add more color. 
it sits on a charger to prevent it from scratching the surface of the dining table

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